Testing Services
I offer a wide range of assessment (testing) services. My goal is always to answer your referral question(s) in the most efficient way possible using research-based assessment practices. I work with children (starting at age 4), adolescents, and adults.
The main purpose of my evaluations is to identify the cause of your referral concerns so that clear treatment recommendations can be provided. My goal is to connect individuals with treatments that have been shown by research to work and avoid those that have not.
All full evaluations include an extensive interview, testing (typically 3 – 7 hours depending on age and referral concern), a comprehensive report (often 15 – 20 pages in length), and a feedback session where results and recommendations are thoroughly discussed. Testing is typically broken up into 2 to 3 separate sessions on different days so that I can obtain the most valid results possible. Feedback sessions are usually held 1 week after the last testing session, and the comprehensive report is provided at the feedback session. The report includes test scores, my interpretations, and treatment recommendations. This documentation is often useful in the development of Section 504 Plans, Individualized Education Plans, and other school accommodation plans. It can also be useful in helping physicians make decisions about the medical management of some conditions.
I offer both full in-person and hybrid (virtual/in-person combination) evaluation options. Hybrid evaluations include virtual interviews and feedback sessions, but all testing is completed in-person. This limits the amount of travel for those located in Atlanta and other locations far from the Athens area. I also offer testing options on Sundays.
Evaluation Options
I offer several evaluation options. These range from screenings to comprehensive evaluations. More tailored evaluation options are also available. These are still comprehensive yet are more focused on the assessment of a particular condition such as dyslexia, ADHD, or autism. I am happy to provide a free phone consultation to discuss the best evaluation option to fit your needs.
The following types of evaluations are available:
ADHD/ADD evaluation. There is no single test or even a set of tests that has been shown to be sufficient for diagnosing ADHD/ADD. Rather, valid ADHD/ADD diagnosis requires using several methods (for example, diagnostic interviewing, executive functioning assessment, cognitive testing, multi-informant standardized symptom rating scales) and then using sound judgment when considering information obtained from these methods.
There are also many explanations for attention problems. ADHD/ADD is just one possibility among many. Determining the root cause of attention problems is critical because there are different treatments for different conditions. Attention problems due to ADHD/ADD are treated differently than attention problems due to other concerns.
Lastly, attention disorders present in different ways. One individual with an attention disorder can have symptoms that are significantly different than another individual with an attention disorder. Additionally, many conditions co-occur with attention disorders, and it is important to take these into account to get a complete picture.
Therefore, the identification of ADHD/ADD is complex. I take a careful and comprehensive approach when assessing for ADHD/ADD so that I can provide the most accurate conclusions possible. I have over 15 years of experience specializing in the assessment of ADHD and taking this careful approach. My hope is to provide my clients with clear insight into their presenting concerns and then to provide a clear path forward.
ADHD/ADD is a treatable condition. There are many ideas out there about the best ways to treat ADHD/ADD, but many of these are not backed by scientific research. It is difficult for parents to wade through this information to determine what is likely to be most effective for their child. It is my goal to point parents in the right direction and to help them avoid treatments that have not been shown to be effective. The report you will be given at the end of the evaluation will include a detailed set of recommendations for effective interventions. Ultimately, I hope to provide you with a plan that is practical and highly effective.
Adult ADHD/ADD evaluation. ADHD/ADD is not only a disorder that affects children. Although ADHD/ADD is a neurodevelopmental condition and therefore typically shows up by late childhood/early adolescence, it may go unidentified until adulthood. Many times, adults with unidentified ADHD/ADD have been diagnosed with other conditions before the root cause of their difficulties is identified.
ADHD/ADD in adulthood is no less disruptive than ADHD/ADD in childhood. In fact, adult ADHD/ADD may be even more disruptive, given the heavy executive functioning demands of adult life. Executive functioning refers to one’s ability to regulate thoughts, behaviors, and emotions, and difficulties with executive functioning are typically at the core of ADHD/ADD. Adults are constantly using their executive functioning skills to manage multiple areas of their lives. When the executive functions are weak due to ADHD/ADD, it often makes life a real struggle.
My adult ADHD/ADD evaluation has many of the same components as my child/adolescent ADHD/ADD evaluation described above. My approach is comprehensive and careful, and there is a strong emphasis on differential diagnosis to determine if presenting symptoms are caused by ADHD/ADD, ADHD/ADD with co-occurring conditions, or something else. Just like in childhood, ADHD/ADD in adulthood is a very treatable condition. My adult ADHD/ADD evaluation results in a clear set of recommendations that have been backed by research as being effective.
Note: I do not see college students in my private practice.
Learning disorder (including dyslexia) evaluation. Learning difficulties have multiple causes. This evaluation determines if your child’s reading, writing, and/or math difficulties are the result of a learning disorder. Difficulty learning how to read is an especially common issue. Sometimes these difficulties are the result of dyslexia, the most common of all learning disorders. My learning disorder evaluation closely examines this possibility.
Because reading and other learning problems can have many causes, a learning disorder evaluation requires careful consideration of several alternative explanations. I have an extensive set of tests that help determine the possibility of a learning disorder. Although these tests are critical, sound judgment when interpreting test scores and other information collected throughout the course of the evaluation is even more important. My judgment has been refined by many experiences. I have specialized in dyslexia and other learning disorders for over 15 years, both through clinical experience assessing many individuals and through conducting original research within the learning disorder field. I also have experience directing a clinic specializing in reading interventions for youth with dyslexia.
My learning disorder evaluation is focused on pinpointing where the academic breakdown is occurring. I carefully assess all aspects of reading, writing, and mathematics. That is, I assess not only how accurate the child is with each academic skill, but also how automatically (fluently) they can demonstrate the skill and how well they can apply the skill. Additionally, cognitive/language abilities are assessed to determine potential underlying weaknesses that may be driving the specific academic problem.
It is common for learning disorders to co-occur, meaning it is not unusual for there to be more than one learning disorder present. My learning disorder evaluation assesses for all learning disorders, including dyslexia, dysgraphia (a writing disorder often characterized by handwriting and spelling problems), dyscalculia (math disorder), and other learning disorders.
Decades of research have identified very effective interventions for addressing reading and other learning problems. My main goal is to identify the child’s specific academic problem(s) and to set parents on the right path to addressing these. The report provided at the end of the evaluation will include concrete and research-based recommendations that can be used at home and school.
Autism evaluation. The autism spectrum is wide. I have experience working with individuals all along the spectrum, but I primarily conduct evaluations of individuals with characteristics of what is often referred to as high-functioning autism.
Many other conditions have some similarities with autism spectrum disorder. My autism evaluation is focused on determining if it is autism or if it is something else. Carefully examining other possibilities for what might be autism is critical because there are clearly different approaches to intervention for different conditions. The interventions that are used to help individuals with autism spectrum disorder are quite different than those used with individuals who do not have autism.
There is no single test that can be used to identify autism spectrum disorder. My autism evaluation consists of multiple assessment methods. I use extensive interviewing to obtain a thorough developmental history. Typically, I ask multiple people who see the individual in different settings to provide a picture of what they observe. All autism evaluations I conduct include these methods.
Other assessment methods vary based on the individual being assessed and the specific referral concerns. Some common areas I typically assess when assessing for autism spectrum disorder include cognitive abilities, language abilities, social-emotional functioning, executive functioning, and adaptive functioning. I usually administer the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule Second Edition (ADOS-2).
Comprehensive evaluation. A comprehensive evaluation is the most thorough evaluation offered. It includes the assessment of cognitive abilities, language abilities, academic skills (reading, writing, and math), social-emotional functioning, and attention/executive functioning. This evaluation assesses the possibility of an attention disorder, learning disorders, and other conditions.
It is common for learning, attention, and other psychological disorders to run together. The term used for this is comorbidity. For example, ADHD/ADD and dyslexia occur together up to around 40% of the time. A comprehensive evaluation is an excellent option if there are multiple concerns. This type of evaluation helps to ensure that a significant condition is not missed. It also typically provides a greater understanding of the individual being assessed.
Learning disorder (dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyslexia) screening. A learning disorder screening is not adequate for diagnosis but can be useful in determining if a full evaluation is warranted. This screening consists of targeted testing of specific academic skills.
Although this evaluation is referred to as a screening, this does not mean it provides minimal information and takes little time. These evaluations typically require 1 ½ to 2 hours of testing. This type of evaluation is good at ruling out a condition. That is, if the child performs well on the screening measures, then it is unlikely that a learning disorder is present. For these children, a full evaluation is likely unnecessary. If the child shows some weaknesses on the screening measures, then a learning disorder is possible but other explanations would also need to be explored with a more thorough evaluation.
The screening evaluation is a good choice if you are unsure of the need for a full evaluation but have wondered if your child might have some characteristics of a learning disorder (for example, dyslexia).
Gifted testing. Gifted testing consists of the administration of a comprehensive intelligence test. Norm-referenced academic achievement tests are also administered.